What is AISinPrivate stands for?
'AIS' stands for Arnastya Iswara Sanantagraha and 'in Private' means service from AIS as a professionalWhat is the AISinPrivate organization form?
AISinPrivate is not a company nor non-profit organization. AISinPrivate is Professional ServicesWhat is AISinPrivate offering?
Currently AISinPrivate provides, - IT and Non-IT Trainer Services, - IT consulting related to operations and services of a Training Center and - Assists organizations in managing and communicating IT servicesWho is AIS?
In year 2018, Arnastya already has more than 17 years experiences in consultancy corporate strategy & result, ICT management, IT training, education services, business management, customer services, and infrastructure support. He has a good mix of experience in communication skills, IT networking, system technologies, data center facilities and cloud service technologies. He does manage best practice, develop customized training material, and deliver many training classes during his years to the local and international clients.Focus in Training, he has a diverse set of expertise in Train the IT Trainer.For more information about AIS can be reach at his Professional Summary.Why and what reason AISinPrivate provides this services?
AISinPrivate wants to help and provide support Training Center Organization in Indonesia to get Professional and Experienced Trainer in the field of Education, especially IT Infrastructure, IT Governance and IT Service ManagementWhen AISinPrivate provides this services?
Most Trainer Services delivered in Office Hours, from Monday to Friday, 09AM to 3PM. Weekend or holiday services will be project based and will be our consideration later.Where is AISinPrivate operations?
Based on experiences over the past 17 years, AIS has provided IT training in Indonesia and several countries in Asia. Currently AISinPrivate provide services and operations focused in IndonesiaHow does client order services?
Client can be ask and order the service through inquiry form, quotation form, email communication, instant message chat (i.e. WhatsApp, Telegram) and fill the RegForm directly from this web.How AISinPrivate deliver its services?
AISinPrivate's Business Processes in general are as follows:1. The client fills out the registration form (RegForm) via email or IM applications (WhatsApp, Hangout, Telegram, etc.).2. AISinPrivate sends Pre-training kits (i.e. training syllabus) via email3. AISinPrivate is also willing to fill in company documents related to Third Party Services both hardcopy and paper-based.4. Based on the Purchased Order from the client which contains information about the training location, time periods, number of participants, etc. related to the training plan, then AISinPrivate provides preliminary services which include Student Handout and Lab Materials/Handout.5. On the specified day (D-Day), AISinPrivate sends trainers to the training location.6. During the training, in addition to the main AISinPrivate service, which is to deliver training and training material in the form of a lab (if any), several things can be used as AISinPrivate service features, e.g. Pre-Test, Post-Test, Quiz, Case Study, Games, etc..7. AISinPrivate can also provide a Class Activity Report at the end of training.Can I ask Training Syllabus before order the services?
Yes, you can.Please use Support and Download page in this web or directly ask using Inquiry Form for specific request.Can I ask the trainer to do a training demonstration?
Yes, you can. You can ask the trainer to do a training demo - as long as the trainer available. Please use Inquiry Form for this request.Why the article is not in English?
Basically this site priority is for Indonesian people as vision and mission stated. English article soon will be launch here for global purpose. Please be patient. Thank you.Thank you for visiting our website. Please take your time to the following survey to give feedback about this website.
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